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1 紀要論文 / Departmental Bulletin Paper >
産業経営研究所(Research Institute of Industrial Management) >
産業経営研究所報(Journal of Industry and Management of Industrial Management Institute) >
第35号 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/1264

タイトル: 第I編 グリーン・コミュニティ・ツーリズム
著者: 齋藤, 實男
Saito, Jitsuo
サイトウ, ジツオ
キーワード: 並行生活 (市場+非市場=自給)
CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)
4Co's [Community] : Contents/Costing/Corridor/Communication
コミュニティ3条件「関・地・紐 (Socal interaction/Area or locality/Common tie [Hillery G. A.])」
循環力 (精神文化・生態系) と循環関係 (制度) の相互スパイラル
循環指標の3セイ (3Sp) : 生態系 (Species)
精神 (Spirit/meme [仮想遺伝子 meme <模倣>+ gene <遺伝子>)
制度 (System : 3ギ[技術・業績・機構])
産「消」コミュニティの4Co, Green Dedign (Green Material十Green Product←Eco-tech)
A⇔B⇔Cグリーン共創 : (Administration)⇔(Business)⇔(Consumer) から (Agent)⇔(Building supporter)⇔(Creator) へ
一方的B→Cの4P (Product/Price/Place/Promotion) から相互B⇔Cの4Coへ
LC : P⇒D⇒C⇒WOW⇒R [生産→流通→「消費」→浄化→再生]), グリーン度指標 : エネルギー (CO_2指標)
安全性 (病原)
経済性 (労働価値)
民主性 (ABC共創)
廃棄物, 電気やのプロシューマリズム/見学会
発行日: 2003年3月1日
出版者: 九州産業大学産業経営研究所
抄録: Why shall we, urban citizens have green tourism? Do we want to escape from the urban desert where we are lonely and to be members of green community or organic movement community? "Person cannot live on bread alone." Do we all long for words and love grown by green community? But we have ambivalence about the community. One feeling is longing for love and dependeney-feeling, the other feeling is escaping from the common tie. So the community has freedom based on market economy supported by green (eco) money and Volunteer. Green-Money (eco-money) is needed by green prosumerism. The Green-Money works to develop the movement from Green Consumerism to Green Prosumerism. Green Prosumerism means the movement that consumers (→ end users) take part in production process. Our urban lives as a consumer are lived in market economy to buy goods at retailshop and in non-market one to use the goods at home. Just like such a home and retailshop, the community also has both the market economy and the non-market economy to avoid communism or fascism, imaging Porpot ruralism. Green tourism also shall build such a good community with the both aspects. This Green tourism community shall develop from the individual relationship with the rural farmer through the group relationship with the rural community to our urban community relationship with the rural community. The green tourisim makes this relationship develop from the point through the line to the face, from the rural or urban individual through the relationship between the rural one and the urban one to the relationship between the rural community and the urban community. This development makes CSA (Community Supported [organic] Agriculture) stronger and stronger. The Organic Certification Rule officially announced in The Japanese Government News Letter ('Kanpo') 20/January/2000. The essense is this as follows : 1. About organically grown produces certified by the organization authorized by Japanese MAF (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry), the vegitables 'seeds or young vegitables' plant (egg plant and so on) or grains (rice and so on) seeds should be planted in the farm which has had no pesticide and chemical fertilizer for 2 yers and over. And the fruits should be harvested from the tree which has had no pesticide and chemical fertilizer for 3 yers and over. 2. About conversion (transformation from conventional produce to organically grown produce) period produces, 1 year and over should have passed before the harvest of those vegitables and grains as well as those fruits. 3. About wild natural produce (mashroom and so on), 3 year and over should have passed before their harvest. We hope this certified organic label on the produce will make sure organically grown produce or not or differentiate the real organically grown produces from the conventional one to protect the consumerism (→ a prosumerism [producer+consumer] Tofler A.) movement and the consumers (→ a prosumerist). But we are afraid that the real organically grown produces from overseas, China and USA etc. may increase more and more. For the solution of this problem the most prosumerists should have strong green community linkage between them and organic growers, and the Japanese government should practice the agricultural policy to protect the Japanese organic growers against free trade policy of WTO. This interim report shows this different developments from the viewpoint of the marketing communication media and mix between them, which are 4Co's [Community] : Contents/Costing/Corridor/Communication instead of '4P's : Product, Price, Place, Promotion [McCarthy], ' the viewpoint of the individual green conscuoisness or the community green meme and the viewpoint of the real community or virtual community or the combination of them, looking into the organic agricultural movement or CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) movement.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/1264


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